Selected publication:
Lee, S., Augustine, V., Zhao, Y., Ebisu, H., Ho, B., Kong, D. and Oka, Y. Chemosensory modulation of neural circuits for sodium appetite. Nature, 568: 93-97 (2019).
#Augustine, V., #Lee, S. and Oka, Y. Neural Control and Modulation of Thirst, Sodium Appetite, and Hunger. Cell, 180 : 25-32 (2020).
Full publication:
Ko, B., Yoo, J.Y., Yoo, T., Choi, W., Dogan, R., Sung, K., Um, D., Lee, S.B., Kim, H.J., Lee, S., ... Kim, J. H., Npas4-mediated dopaminergic regulation of safety memory consolidation. Cell Reports, 42.7 (2023).
Pool, A., Wang, T., Ngai, J., Stafford,D., Lee, S., Oka, Y., Cellular basis of distinct thirst modalities. Nature, 588 : 112-117 (2020).
#Augustine, V., #Lee, S. and Oka, Y. Neural Control and Modulation of Thirst, Sodium Appetite, and Hunger. Cell, 180 : 25-32 (2020).
Lee, S., Augustine, V., Zhao, Y., Ebisu, H., Ho, B., Kong, D. and Oka, Y. Chemosensory modulation of neural circuits for sodium appetite. Nature, 568: 93-97 (2019).
#Augustine, V., #Ebisu, H., Zhao, Y., Lee, S., Ho, B., Mizuno, G.O., Tian, L. and Oka, Y. Temporally and spatially distinct thirst satiation signals. Neuron, 103 : 242-249 (2019).
#Yang, J., #Li, L., #Shemetov, A.A., Lee, S., Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., Shen, Y., Li, J., Oka, Y., Verkhusha, V.V. and Wang, L.V. Focusing light inside live tissue using reversibly switchable bacterial phytochrome as a genetically encoded photochromic guide star. Science Advances, 5: p.eaay1211 (2019).
Augustine, V., #Gokce, S.K., #Lee, S., Wang, B., Davidson, T.J., Reimann, F., Gribble, F., Deisseroth, K., Lois, C. and Oka, Y. Hierarchical neural architecture underlying thirst regulation. Nature, 555: 204-209 (2018).
# Equal contribution